Become a Member
May We Grow Toward What We Can Become
There’s a saying that “no one gardens alone!” Members bring all levels of talents to the Plano Garden Club (and not all are strictly gardening!) Together we are building a garden community, but more importantly, we are building a community of friendships. We have lots of programs, activities, and learning opportunities that our members get to experience throughout the year.
Our annual membership fee is $45 or $55/couple. Our membership year runs from May 1st – Apr 30th but new members are welcome anytime. New members who join after Jan 1st pay a discounted amount of $35 ($45 per couple) for the remainder of the club year (Jan – Apr). Dues are renewed each year starting in the Spring for the coming club year (May 1st – Apr 30th).
Many Plano Garden Club members are club delegates serving on national, state, and district level boards. Some of our members are accredited judges, consultants, master gardeners and master naturalists. Many of our members are also members in other garden clubs and societies, some holding life memberships.
If you would like more information about joining the Plano Garden Club, please write to us at or become a member today by clicking on the online application form below.